Yelp Nightlife is an extension of Yelp that is targeted to younger users to help find local places that are open all night. This extension will help the user get a bigger look at nightlife categories that previously were not offered on Yelp. The website will also allow the user to chat and find where their friends are.
The user will also be able to easily share new places they have found with their friends. The website reflects on the imagery that is known in nightlife culture and offers a little fun for everyone who uses the website or app.
Feature #1

The newest feature to the website is the Live Friend’s Map that allows users to keep up with their friend’s activity. The map is updated as different users “check- in” to businesses featured on Yelp.
Users can also keep up with crowd sourced hot spots around the city where there is a high volume of users visiting.

The messaging feature of the website now includes an activity bar to keep track of friends and quickly click between active conversations.

A small map to help you see where the spot is
Layed out similar to current Yelp, all the info at your fingertips
Fun icons to narrow your search
Feature #2
Similar to website page but simpler for a smaller screen. Can review and find directions right on the app to all the hot spots.

The current Yelp app is already well designed, so we created a separate app just for night life. Keeping with the overall visual system of the website.

Research and Process