Aequitas strives to promote victim safety and hold offenders of sexual assault crimes accountable. People are unaware of how little rape is taken seriously within our Criminal Justice System. The goal of my campaign is to make people aware of the injustices happening within rape cases and to give victims of sexual assault the voice they deserve.

Print ads are placed in subway stations highlighting the cruelness sexual assault victims face during their trials. These posters show statistics in a unique and shocking way by instead of showing numbers, they show quotes from the judges of the cases. This will allow people to see the special treatment given to rapists and the blame that is put on women.

Blurred images of sexual assault victims will be placed all over the city. Each one stating a different reason they were told their rape case didn’t matter causing readers to stop dead in their tracks.
Each image can be scanned to reveal the full, unblurred picture as well as the victim's full story. The user can then sign a petition to try to get the Criminal Justice System to re-examine bias against victims, help eliminate prejudice and start to change their ways.
When the user scans the blurred image, it allows the victim's voice to be heard and starts to expose the problems within our Criminal Justice system. The rewarding of rapists and blame put on victims has to stop now. It’s time we start seeing the full picture.