A collaboration of two popular emerging brands, Halo Top Creamery and Netflix, bridging the realm of food and entertainment. Making it a not-so-guilty pleasure, focusing on utilizing the brand strengths and creating a synergy between the two brands that celebrate the cinematic culture.
October-December 2018
my roles
Visual system
Lexi Cassidy

Here users can browse our flavor collection based off of their favorite Netflix genres.
Upon selecting your flavor they are presented with the nutritional fact with a brief synopsis of their cinematic decision.

Data from Netflix is gathered in order to match the user with the flavor they will enjoy the most. A full overview is given showing all the options to choose from.

Feature #1
A page full of fun flavors that match your Netflix watching algorithm. Find all the flavors of ice cream and read about them

Once tapped on, you can read a brief synopsis of the flavor and the show it matches, as well as nutritional facts.
All the flavors that match you come up on a screen layed out so you can easily find one you like.
Users can get to the Get the Scoop page right from the Flavors page
Each ice cream is themed to a specific movie or show on Netflix, with fun titles and imagery that reference the show experience

Research and Process

We interviewed a few visitors of the galleries in the Chelsea area to get insights on why they were there and how they got there. Our discoveries helped us to understand the problem much more
In our discoveries, visitors don’t have much information telling them what galleries are out there and which ones they would enjoy the most. And there is no navigation

- wind down after a long stressful day without thinking about her hectic voice
-stay healthy and fit to increase her stamina after numerous hours of running in her 5 inch stilettos
-keep her mood happy so her stressful life doesn’t get to her
Age: 36 Occupation: Graphic Designer
Education: Masters of Graphic Design Relationship: single
children: none, there’s just no time