The Thousand Islands is a unique experience, unlike any other in the areas surrounding. No other place in New York has beautiful islands, castles, water-life, and heavy use of boats
It is a place that is unknown to a lot of people, and more breathtaking then people expect for such a small, rural area.
my roles
Print ads
Visual System
App design
Lexi Cassidy
January - March 2019

For the app, I wanted to go in a more fun direction by adding playful buttons and features. The app is more for a younger audience.
Feature #1

Feature #2
Explore more about each island and plan your day based on the data given in the app.

A chat system that allows users to message people and anchor your boat next to them and have a party!
The where everyone is today tab is a system that shows the user the most popular beaches that day. Includes number of people, temperature, and a history of the location.
A beach playlist of carefully curated beach songs to turn any day into a beach party day!

User can see a map of the Islands and select one, reading all about it including residents there, miles from the town, and a symbol indicating it is a campsite.
Once an island is selected, the user can view a map that shows the boat route to get to the island and the time it takes to get there.
Discover the islands by selecting either beach, campsite, or castle to narrow your search and then you can see where everyone is, anchor into a campsite, or find a beach playlist to listen to on the boat!
I wanted to create a mysterious, yet playful feeling. The taglines are all clever and compel the audience to learn more.
There’s actually over 1800 islands. But we didn’t want to brag.
Ad #1
Ad #2
You could spend your vacation on one island are see all 1ooo. It’s good to have options.
Ad #3
Why visit 1 island for 5 days, when you can visit 5 islands in 1 day.
mystery, romance, and adventure. I want the viewer to be curious and be surprised that this is in New York State.

Research and Process

When researching the Thousand Islands, the identity was all over the place and there was no clear Visual System. Everything was outdated and geared towards older people.
the plan then became to target a younger audience and highlight all the features of the Thousand Islands that would intrigue younger people.
The problem we are trying to solve is that the people may have heard of the thousand islands, but have no idea how beautiful it is and how many unique activities and sights there are. Also, We want to step away from the small town stereotype and branch out to other groups of people

The user doesn’t see upstate NY as a vacation place or as a place with beautiful islands and castles. 1000 Islands seems like a place for older people to visit.
Lily wants a vacation not too far from the city that she can actually relax and do fun summer activities with her friends.